Flexible Open and Distance education (FODE) is a means of delivering an alternate education to people who cannot attend the formal educational institution.
The Office of Flexible Open and Distance Education is to be well resourced with capital equipment to enhance its operation. The funding is to be sourced out of the Simbu Provincial Government MOA that is now in place. The Provincial Government under the recent signed MOA shall provide K20 000-00 which will be used for office equipment and furniture. The Provincial Government is also responsible to provide housing for the FODE Coordinator..
There is a need to increase the staffing in the Provincial Centre to cater for any increase in enrolment. The Department of Education has not addressed this in the NEP. Simbu will continue to engage primary and secondary trained teachers with FODE to assist the centre coordinating, marking and counselling.
Potential instructors need to be identified to coordinate FODE activities in their institutions. The reform curriculum and assessment procedures necessitate training for teachers and staff in curriculum design and assessment.
Increase enrolment in all the programs FODE is offering
o Carry out intensive awareness on the opportunities available through Flexible, Open and
Distance Education.
o Encourage the establishments of registered and correspondence centres
o Encourage TVET centres to offer FODE courses.
o Markers at secondary schools to coordinate distant FODE centres.