Teacher Training

The successful implementation of a much wider range of TVET courses will require programmes to prepare appropriately qualified teachers and supervisors as well as proactive and entrepreneurial management. Simbu Education Board and Staff Development Unit will continue to sponsor more instructors annually for training to do Diploma of TVET at Papua New Guinea Education Institutes (PNGEI) and Post TVET Training at University of Goroka.

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Technical Vocational Education and Training

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A variety of institutions offering courses of varying lengths to students completing primary/secondary education and to the wider population to gain appropriate skills to satisfy both personal and community demands.


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The National Government aims at increasing subsidies to the TVET centers in accordance with the increase in enrollment. The Boards of Management will determine parental contribution in line with the guidelines set by the National and Provincial Education Boards. Board of Management and Site Leaders are to minimize spending from the revenue received from parental contributions and subsidies. They should be encouraged to embark on self-reliance initiatives to raise extra

The mission run TVET institutions are well equipped with appropriate equipment and tools thus making the teaching and learning environment more conducive. The government run TVET institutions do not have the appropriate equipment and tools for instructors to use for teaching. Students have been asked to use their own tools, especially in the carpentry and mechanical courses. The Division of Education shall endeavor to seek assistance from the Provincial Government and / or from donors to build capacity in the government institutions for learning to be more conducive, and competitive


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Mission (Catholic) TVET centres are well established with modern facilities for training. These include classrooms, teachers’ houses, dormitories, equipments and teaching aids. On the other hand government Technical TVET Training centres are operating in run down classrooms, inadequate instructors’ houses and dormitories. They also lack basic equipment and tools. In most instances students purchase their own tools.

Strategies and Activities

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Provide the required number of appropriately trained instructors.
o Recruit instructors through PNGEI and UoG.
o Instructors shall be sponsored by the Simbu Education Board while they are in training
o Release instructors and Site Leaders to attend short courses for the enrichment programmes.

Provide professional development opportunities for TVET instructors.
o conduct skills audit, and retain instructors with the appropriate skills.
o identify, develop and deliver short courses to include entrepreneurial and adult education skills.

Provide professional development opportunities for TVET centre Site Leaders.
o conduct skills audits of Site Leaders.
o Identify, develop and deliver courses to include Planning, financial and asset management and


TVET school instructors take the National curriculum such as carpentry, auto mechanical, brick laying, welding and metal fabrication. The curriculum has been revised in seven core trade areas based on a competency – based approach. A skills training resource unit is developing short term courses to meet the needs of local communities. Some of these courses are not taken due to materials and teacher shortage. The current curriculum has no National accreditation policy in place and individual centres award their own certificates.
A community based TVET curriculum has been produced .This document is pending printing .It was expected to be printed and distributed to TVET schools in 2006.

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