Elementary Education
At six years of age all children begin their basic education in the elementary school in a language that they speak. For the next three years they develop the basis for sound literacy and numeracy skills, family and community values including discipline, personal health care, and respect for others.
Teacher Education and Training

The elementary teacher training component comes under the jurisdiction of the Papua New Guinea Education Institute. The Training is a field based mixed mode delivery system in which field based trainers are responsible for the delivery. Changes can be instituted by PNGEI to ensure teachers and trainers are in tune with the changing nature of work in the classroom. Multi grade teaching, gender equity and special education are components of teacher training and will also be institutionalized in elementary schools. Elementary teacher selection will be stringently monitored. Responsible communities and Board members are to ensure established selection criteria are followed. Selection of female trainees will be strongly encouraged. Selected trainee should be ideally grade 12 graduates, have sound knowledge of the local customs, values, and traditions of the community and be of reputable character. The teacher training fee component will be borne by the national Government through the Department of Education, other wise the trainee will meet the training cost upfront in line with the user pay cost recovery policy. The Provincial Education Board is the ultimate authority to set and endorse the training fees.
Primary Education
At nine years of age children continue their basic education in a primary school. After six years of primary
education that begins with a bilingual program, children have the skills to live happily and productively,
contribute to their traditional communities and use English to understand basic social, scientific,
technological, and personal concepts and values learning after Grade 8.
Teacher Education and Training

Teachers will graduate with a Diploma in Primary Teaching and will replace the Certificate holders. The diploma holders are more competent in teaching the reform curriculum. The Division will visit teachers colleges to recruit new graduates to fill up teaching positions. Among the 86 percent, a few unqualified teachers came from different walks of life and needs to be identified and trimmed to ensure genuine quality teachers are engaged. The Division of Education should encourage teachers through awareness to matriculate through Simbu University centre to upgrade their qualifications. Districts should plan regular in-services at district levels for Head teachers who will conduct school based in- service. Annually there should be two districts in - services and a provincial in – service (NIST). Simbu Education Board will support certificate and diploma holders who aspire to upgrade their qualifications to diplomas and degrees respectively.